Thursday, 31 January 2013

VI Editor shortcut Keys

:help index - it will show all command
h -left
j -down
k -up
l -right
x -delete a single caractor
u -undo
ctrl-R -redo
ZZ -save and exit
:q! -exit without saving
:wq -save and exit
dd -delete line
yy -copy line
p -paste line
o -open new line
w -moving forword one word
b -moving backword one word
$ -end of line
5$ -end of 5th line
# -put your cursor in word and search that word in all file
^ -begining of line
:set number -numburing turn on
:set nonumber -turn off numburing
ctrl-u -scrolling up
ctrl-d -scrolling down
dw -delete word
d$ -delete till end of line
cw -delete word and insert mode
. -repeats loast delete or changes
J -caps j joins two lines
) -move next sentences
( -move previous sentences
} -move next paragraph
{ -move previous para
gg -1st line of doc
G -shift g end of doc
d) -delete sentenses
d} -delete para
r -replace caractor
~ -change case uppercase to lower case vice versa
:set hlsearch -set highlight search
:set nohlsearch -unset highlight search
:nohlsearch -clear highlights
n -next search
N -previous search
!! -type command and output will be in your file  
:wnext -save cuurunt filr and go to next file
:next! -dont save currunt file and go to next file
:set autowrite -to save automatically
:args -which file am i on
:previous -same as next
:rewind -shift to fist file
:first -shift to first file
:last -shift to last file
ctrl^ -shifting in two files
v -to select lines visual mode - start visual mode
d -delete
y -copy
ctrl-v -to select block
!Gsort -sort the docs by alphabetics
x   :delete character under the cursor (short for "dl")
X   :delete character before the cursor (short for "dh")
D   :delete from cursor to end of line (short for "d$")
dw  :delete from cursor to next start of word
db  :delete from cursor to previous start of word
to add start of line
add abcd every start of line
search www and delete
find abcd and replace
:%s/abcd/ word under the cursor (excluding white space)
daw :delete word under the cursor (including white space)
dG  :delete until the end of the file
dgg :delete until the start of the file
If you use "c" instead of "d" they become change commands. And with "y" you
yank the text. And so forth.
To add to every end of line
to add start of line
add abcd every start of line
search www and delete
find abcd and replace

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